Fort Benton Middle School and High School
Student Supplies
2024-2025 be the bridge!
Mr. Ayers (MS Math & Science): [email protected]
All Students: binders for science and math class, red or blue pens, pencils, erasers, highlighters, sticky notes, college ruled notebooks
for each class, graphing paper, ruler, protractor, and colored pencils
Ms. Brown (History): [email protected]
All Students: pens, pencils, spiral notebook, 3-ring binder (Government will need a large binder)
Mrs. Bushong (HS Math): [email protected]
All Students: binder, spiral notebook/loose leaf paper, pencils, pens, graph paper
Geometry: all of the above plus a protractor
Mr. Cline 7-8 Social Studies (MS PE, Driver's Ed): [email protected]
7-8 Social Studies: colored pencils, notebook, pens(black or blue) or pencils, scissors, glue sticks, highlighter, earbuds
7-8 PE: athletic wear and shoes, notebook and pen or pencil, shampoo, deodorant
Driver's Ed: 3 ring binder, notebook, markers, colored pencils, pens or pencils, highlighter
Miss Disney (Art & FACS): [email protected]
HS Art: Hardcover used book from second hand store (minimum 5"x7" and no larger than 8.5"x11". Book should be no less than 70 pages and no more than 150 pages, these will be used as our sketchbooks this year), pencils
Advanced Art: Pocket notebook (3.5"x5.5")
MS Art: Pencils and sketchbook (any size, must be UNLINED)
HS FACS: Composition notebook, two pocket folder with fasteners, 1" 3-ring binder, pencils, pens
MS FACS: Composition notebook, folder, pencils
Culinary Arts: Pencil, pen, highlighter, 1" 3-ring binder
Mrs. Fultz (MS/HS Science): [email protected]
All Students: notebook, pencil/pen, folder
Mr. Gilbreth (MS/HS English): [email protected]
All Students: 1" binder with 3 tabs/dividers, pens (blue/black) and/or pencils, notebook paper and highlighter for all classes
Mr. Kloetzer (PE & Weights Classes): [email protected]
All Students: athletic wear (t-shirt, sweats or shorts) and athletic shoes. Also have a pen/pencil and paper for potential health
classes. And don't forget to bring a great attitude!
Mr. Lenington (MS/HS Music and Band): [email protected]
All Students: 7-12, please make sure you bring your instrument on the 1st day of school!
Miss Nishikawa (HS Science): [email protected]
All Students: Please procure/purchase whatever materials you need to stay organized in addition to pencils, black or blue pens, and
lined loose-leaf or notebook paper.
Biology Students: In addition to the above, please procure/purchase a lined notebook or composition book.
Mrs. Truax (HS Math): [email protected]
All Students: pencils, 3-ring binder for notes/assignments, (recommended) TI-84 graphing calculator
Mrs. Vielleux (MS Computers): [email protected]
All Students: earbuds
Miss Woodhouse (HS English): [email protected]
All Students: pencils, pens (black and blue ink), highlighters, 1 wide ruled composition notebook, 1 folder
Reminder...MS/HS Student Registration will be held on August 5th (Juniors & Seniors), 6th (Sophomores & Freshmen), & 7th (7th, 8th & all new students) and the first day of school will be on Wednesday, August 21st. It's going to be another amazing year and we are so excited to see you!
Mr. Hould
All Students: binders for science and math class, red or blue pens, pencils, erasers, highlighters, sticky notes, college ruled notebooks
for each class, graphing paper, ruler, protractor, and colored pencils
Ms. Brown (History): [email protected]
All Students: pens, pencils, spiral notebook, 3-ring binder (Government will need a large binder)
Mrs. Bushong (HS Math): [email protected]
All Students: binder, spiral notebook/loose leaf paper, pencils, pens, graph paper
Geometry: all of the above plus a protractor
Mr. Cline 7-8 Social Studies (MS PE, Driver's Ed): [email protected]
7-8 Social Studies: colored pencils, notebook, pens(black or blue) or pencils, scissors, glue sticks, highlighter, earbuds
7-8 PE: athletic wear and shoes, notebook and pen or pencil, shampoo, deodorant
Driver's Ed: 3 ring binder, notebook, markers, colored pencils, pens or pencils, highlighter
Miss Disney (Art & FACS): [email protected]
HS Art: Hardcover used book from second hand store (minimum 5"x7" and no larger than 8.5"x11". Book should be no less than 70 pages and no more than 150 pages, these will be used as our sketchbooks this year), pencils
Advanced Art: Pocket notebook (3.5"x5.5")
MS Art: Pencils and sketchbook (any size, must be UNLINED)
HS FACS: Composition notebook, two pocket folder with fasteners, 1" 3-ring binder, pencils, pens
MS FACS: Composition notebook, folder, pencils
Culinary Arts: Pencil, pen, highlighter, 1" 3-ring binder
Mrs. Fultz (MS/HS Science): [email protected]
All Students: notebook, pencil/pen, folder
Mr. Gilbreth (MS/HS English): [email protected]
All Students: 1" binder with 3 tabs/dividers, pens (blue/black) and/or pencils, notebook paper and highlighter for all classes
Mr. Kloetzer (PE & Weights Classes): [email protected]
All Students: athletic wear (t-shirt, sweats or shorts) and athletic shoes. Also have a pen/pencil and paper for potential health
classes. And don't forget to bring a great attitude!
Mr. Lenington (MS/HS Music and Band): [email protected]
All Students: 7-12, please make sure you bring your instrument on the 1st day of school!
Miss Nishikawa (HS Science): [email protected]
All Students: Please procure/purchase whatever materials you need to stay organized in addition to pencils, black or blue pens, and
lined loose-leaf or notebook paper.
Biology Students: In addition to the above, please procure/purchase a lined notebook or composition book.
Mrs. Truax (HS Math): [email protected]
All Students: pencils, 3-ring binder for notes/assignments, (recommended) TI-84 graphing calculator
Mrs. Vielleux (MS Computers): [email protected]
All Students: earbuds
Miss Woodhouse (HS English): [email protected]
All Students: pencils, pens (black and blue ink), highlighters, 1 wide ruled composition notebook, 1 folder
Reminder...MS/HS Student Registration will be held on August 5th (Juniors & Seniors), 6th (Sophomores & Freshmen), & 7th (7th, 8th & all new students) and the first day of school will be on Wednesday, August 21st. It's going to be another amazing year and we are so excited to see you!
Mr. Hould
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